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Is the cleaning sector responsible for destroying the environment?


Research shows that only about 10% of the plastic gets recycled. The remaining plastic somehow ends up in the environment and it causes, among other things, the plastic soup in our seas. In the cleaning industry, sustainability & the environment are, in addition to the popular term hospitality, the commercial magic words. Why then are harmful chemicals still used? This while there are excellent alternatives available.

Researchers predict that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the sea. The forecast of the 'Plastic Atlas', published in 2019, is that with current production, approximately 12 billion tons of plastic will have ended up on the waste mountains and in nature by 2050! Very disturbing news.

Plastic soup Giving an example: Coca-Cola produces 167,000 plastic bottles per minute worldwide, which is 88 billion bottles per year. If you tape those bottles together you get a length that reaches back and forth to the moon 31 times. If plastic production is not drastically limited, plastic will be responsible for the emission of 56 gigatons of CO2 by 2050. Until 2018, a total of 86 million tons of plastic ended up in the sea. Do we have to let that go ahead and does the cleaning industry not have a 'clean' task in this? Yes, certainly !?

1,13 billion packages In the period 1950-2015, 8.3 billion tons of plastic packaging was produced worldwide. This resulted in 6,300 million tons of plastic waste, of which 12% was incinerated and 9% recycled. The remaining 79% ended up in the environment and landfills. For example, 1.13 trillion (thousand billion) packaging was used in the European Union in 2018. Every European produces an average of 31 kilos of plastic waste per year. These are telling numbers and also indicate how threatening this is for our environment. It is estimated that 95% of the value of plastic packaging materials is lost after a short use cycle. By 2025 it is expected that 600 million tons of plastic will be produced per year worldwide, of which, under unchanged policy, approximately 10% will be recycled. Only 10% of the recycled plastic is then recycled again, the rest then disappears into the waste mountains or into the environment. This is unrelated to the problem of microplastics, which will be an additional challenge in the coming years.

Cleaning can do its part In the cleaning industry, the necessary packaging for cleaning products still consists of plastic. Sometimes biodegradable, but also biodegradable plastic has the same disadvantages as plastic. Why is such packaging so stubbornly adhered to? Perhaps to lower expenses? Admittedly, over the years the use of plastic bottles has decreased slightly due to the use of so-called dosing stations / bottles, but many of the cleaning juices still come in the well-known plastic bottles. And with the (plastic) packaging material around it. This all has to be driven around, so also the necessary transport movements that cause damage to our environment.

Rob Boele, director of Consensus Group, wonders aloud: “I find it astonishing that there is no massive use of alternatives that have a greater positive impact on this devastating plastic soup and the environment. Fortunately, this is becoming increasingly important and more users are turning to these alternatives. I would just like to see this go faster and more massively and we will make breakthroughs in this as an industry.

Banned from chemicals and plastics Together with his business partner Frank Laurentius, Boele calls itself the gamechanger in hygiene & health: “We rightly dare to call our products EnozoPRO and EnozoHOME revolutionary. These products have a significant positive effect on the reduction of plastic waste, the use of chemicals and the environment in general. ”EnozoPRO is a spray bottle that converts tap water into ozone water. This replaces all daily cleaning products. No stabilizers or cartridges need to be added. The electrolysis cell system built into the spray bottle ensures the transformation to ozone water and has a cleaning and disinfecting effect. Without stripes, because method errors are now a thing of the past.

Frank Laurentius: "The bottle is durable and can be refilled at least 5,000 times with tap water only, which is equivalent to using at least 2000 liters of (chemical) cleaning agent with a corresponding amount of plastic packaging material."

Sanitizing - elimination of germs Sanitizen is a new method for our market. It means reducing the most harmful micro-organisms, lowering risks and cleaning at the same time. This method is suitable for the reduction of microorganisms on almost all surfaces. In this time people are mainly concerned with the surfaces that regularly come into contact with hands. After all, the micro-organisms transferred by this can lead to cross-contamination.

The enthusiastic game changers cannot stop talking about the benefits of EnozoPRO. For example, Frank mentions the fact that cleaning no longer requires a diversity of different potentially harmful chemicals, but Enozo, on the other hand, is completely harmless to humans, animals & the environment. He also points out that the use of this application prevents causing possible damage to surfaces or the furniture, carpet, etc. to be cleaned: “Moreover, we work in a different way in this Corona era. This also sets other criteria for the cleaning method. We are proud that Enozo products eliminate 99.9% of the most common germs within 30 seconds. This is not commercial nonsense, says Boele, but scientifically proven! Very important for now and later.”

Risk elimination The EnozoPRO and HOME also have a strong risk-reducing effect:

Enozo has NO risk of improper mixing, handling and use of potentially harmful chemicals

  • Spraying the Enozo bottles does not pose any risks in contrast to spraying chemicals every day to asthmatic complaints, allergic reactions or increased sensitivity to certain types of chemicals and allergens and prevents resistance formation

  • Enozo has NO risk of leaks, stains or other damage to interior, (electronic) equipment, carpet or linen such as chemicals

  • Enozo has NO risk of price spikes, scarcity, extended delivery times and / or sold out products as shown in the first wave of Corona when certain chemicals were not available or were available at extortionate prices

Is it the costs of this application that keep cleaning companies from embracing this application en masse? Boele: “No, it is about breaking through ingrained thinking and behavioral patterns, ie behavioral change. Fortunately, we see an increase in the purchase (purchase / rental) of these bottles in the Netherlands and Europe. The Dutch are critical and, as a rule, keep an eye out for things. They first want to see more evidence that the bottle actually does what we say. Well, we have now overcome that bump. Once in use, people are extremely enthusiastic. The user reviews are superb. The results are great. ”

The one-off purchase costs are quickly recouped, according to the calculations made by Consensus Group. In this way, no chemicals need to be purchased, it saves storage and transport costs, waste processing costs and the cleaning company saves time in terms of cleaning operations and lead times. Moreover, practice has shown that there has been a significant reduction in re-inspection costs with regard to quality audits. And if the cleaning company would prefer not to invest, they offer the option of renting the EnozoPRO for less than 1 euro per day. The cost savings in using this application are, according to the calculations of Consensus Group, a multiple of this. Boele: “But let's not forget the contribution it makes to reducing environmental damage and the plastic soup! After all, not everything revolves around the pecunia. ”

Thinking in Solutions

The saying: “What the farmer does not know, he does not eat” initially also applied to De EnozoPRO. Since the introduction of this bottle, many have argued in terms of problems and / or disbelief. In addition, chemical suppliers were not waiting for such an application. Boele: “The bottle is said not to be suitable for cleaning sanitary areas or in an environment where unpleasant odors are spread. (Ed .: in the case of sanitary use this also goes together regularly…). Sheer nonsense. EnozoPRO is suitable as a daily sanitary cleaner, it deodorises and even makes smelly waste bins or the smell of urine stone a thing of the past. ”


At a time when working from home is becoming more and more the norm, it was no surprise that a home version of this “miracle product” would be launched: EnozoHOME. This product is precisely made for the new normal and for the home environment, which is precisely referred to as the biggest source of infection of Covid-19. Aspects such as sustainability, safety and hygiene are also the new norm when working in the private sphere. Every household also contributes to the reduction of plastic soup by using EnozoHOME.

Boele: “The effects of using this application within households are enormous: it cleans all conceivable surfaces in all rooms, the kitchen and the toilet without streaks. It disinfects all contact surfaces including the keyboard / PC, removes stains and it can also be used for spraying to combat unpleasant odors. We have even known cases of people spraying their mouth caps as an extra safety measure! ”

Both Consensus Group directors call on organizations to facilitate their employees working from home with the EnozoHOME bottle: “It is a tax-friendly solution and contributes to the well-being of employees. I dare say that it even contributes to a reduction in the absenteeism rate, says Boele. Who would want to remember this from home working employees? Or are we just preaching that employees are the capital of the company? ”

Promotion action

As the holidays are approaching and now is the time for presents, the Consensus Group has come up with a fun promotion. When purchasing / renting each bottle of EnozoPRO or EnozoHOME, the first 50 orderers will receive a copy of the book Glamor & Intrigue!

Laurentius: “Not to gain a white foot with the editor of Clean Totaal, but simply because we think it is a very nice book about the cleaning industry and it is about the many people who are busy cleaning our beautiful profession. We really recommend reading this book!”

If you would like more information, a demonstration or if you want to order one or more of these bottles directly, please visit our website and webshop or contact us: 010-2183800

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